The Easiest Valentine You’ll Ever Send
It’s upon us—that annual event that sends us in panic to the store, wondering how we’ll survive it all. No, not snowmageddon—I’m talking about Valentine’s Day.
For single people, it looms like an impending winter storm. We fret that we don’t have “that special someone” who will send flowers or join us in a chocolate bender. For couples, there’s the angst of buying the perfect gift or topping last year’s romantic dinner. Whether low or high, the expectations can drive us to distraction.
Today, on Valentine’s Day-Eve, I got an email from a former employee. She told me about a recent experience that caused her reflect on her time working with me many years ago.
“I wanted to send a quick note about how much I learned and appreciate working for you….You taught me well.”
That’s it. No fancy dinner, no champagne or roses, no construction-paper card. Just a simple and unexpected “thank you” that filled my heart.
On Valentine’s Day this year, send off a quick note to someone you don’t see everyday. Take them by surprise. Remind them that they taught you something, or that they made you laugh, or made a difference in your life.
It’ll be the easiest Valentine you’ll ever send. And it may just be the best one they’ve ever received.
Love is only a click away.