Cat on the Hat Re-Cap
This is my cat, he’s here on a hat.
It’s time to explain just what’s up with that.
I went to DC to see a Nat’s Game.
It was Hat Night you see, and this was my claim.
When I got home, I dropped the hat on the floor.
It sat right there for several days more.
A few days after, Buddy decided he liked it
And so this is where he decided to sit.
I went to a meeting and then returned home
To see he wanted to keep the hat in his zone
“I’d like a shark suit and to make this thing move.
My internet presence I’d like to improve.”
I came home again after another time out.
“Oh, you’re checking on me, with no doubt.
I’ve got this thing covered, no worries here
I’ve got the hat, it’s close and it’s near.”
I left once again and came back at two
To see that the love and relationship grew.
The cat and that hat were getting quite close
I wasn’t sure who liked each other the most.
Like any relationship, you should understand one another
Because if you’re not careful, you might start to smother.
It’s hard to believe, but there’s a hat under there.
Buddy began to slough off on his care.
The affair had gone on so long that the cat
Seemed to tire of the love he had for the hat
He felt bad that he had led this poor ball cap on
And wondered if he could right his heart’s wrong.
So quietly, while I was out for a bit
Buddy thought of a match that he thought was a fit.
“A fuzzy slipper just might bring the hat back.
And maybe someday, they’ll hit the sack.
I’m sorry, dear hat that we just can’t be.
But trust me to know that it’s not you, it’s me.”
So the hat and the slipper are now on the floor,
And Buddy wonders if there could have been more.